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Varicocele Treatment

Experience the transformative Non - Invasive Treatment for Varicocele with Dr. Santosh Patil.
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Know About Revolutionary Non-Invasive Treatment For Varicocele Disease

Varicocele is a condition in which the veins present in the loose skin pouch holding the testicles gets enlarged. These veins contain one-way valves that work to allow blood to flow from the testicles and scrotum back to the heart. When these valves fail, the blood pools and enlarges the veins around the testicle in the scrotum to cause a varicocele. It is more common on left side, however  it can happen on both sides.The incidence of varicocele in healthy males is 15% and in males facing fertility issues, it can be around 35%. In fact it is the most common cause of male infertility.

Varicocele treatment in pune
Symptoms Of Varicocele

Symptoms of Varicocele

  • An unusual swelling in the scrotum
  • A dull aching pain in the scrotum on long-standing or heavy weight lifting
  • Pain radiating to groin and lower back
  • Reduced sperm count and quality
  • Infertility
  • Change in size of testicles

Get Yourself treated by the Best Non-surgical Treatment For Varicocele – Varicocele Embolization

Majority of patients of varicocele are suggested to undergo a surgery. Varicocele embolization is an effective and perhaps superior alternative to surgery.

Varicocele Embolization: Experts' Most Trusted Option

Varicocele embolization is carried out by the interventional radiologist with the help of imaging guidance. In this procedure, special blocking material is injected inside the abnormal veins. This procedure causes the veins to shrink resulting in a reduction in the size of the enlarged vein.  By doing the varicocele embolization, blood flow is directed to other normal pathways. Varicocele embolization essentially stops blood flow internally, therefore, accomplishing what the urologist does, but without a surgical procedure. The recovery time is shorter when compared to surgery and there are no scars or stitches.

Varicocele Embolization treatment

Scared of Scars in the Private Areas after Varicocele Surgery? – Choose Varicocele Embolization

The interventional radiologist specifically makes a tiny incision in the skin at the groin / meck using localized anesthesia, then a thin catheter is threaded into the femoral vein/ jugular vein , and directed to the testicular vein.

The radiologist then injects contrast dye to give exact visualization of the veins to draw out exactly where the varicocele is and where to perform the varicocele embolization, or blocking of the vein.

By using sclerosants or coils (injected medicine that goes into the blood vessels to shrink them), the interventional radiologist blocks the abnormal veins, thus reducing pressure on the varicocele.

Benefits of Varicocele Embolization Over Surgical Procedures

  • Minimally Invasive Procedure
  • Faster recovery
  • High success rate
  • Sexual function preserved
  • No Scar/ no stitches in private parts
  • No blood loss during surgery
  • No long term urinary catheter
  • No Major Anaesthesia
  • Best option even for surgically unfit patients
  • Low Recurrence Rates

Comparison of Different Treatment Options for Uterine Fibroids

Comparing Factors
Varicocele embolization
Open Varicocelectomy (surgery)
Microsurgical varicocelectomy (surgery)
Scars in the private parts
General/spinal anaesthesia
No (local anaesethsia)
Stay in the hospital
24 hours
Several days
Likely 24 to 48 hours
Recovery time
1 to 2 days
Several weeks to month
Upto 4 weeks
Injury to ductus deferense / testicular artery
Does not happen
Side effects (infection, hydrocele)
Not seen
Blood loss during surgery
Can happen
Return to sexual activity
After 1 to 2 weeks
After 4 weeks
After 4 weeks
Bilateral (Both side) varicocele
Treated in the same sitting through the same pucture site
Two separate incisions required, one on each side
Two separate incisions required, one on each side

Read What Our Patients Say

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers


  • Heredity
  • Congenital
  • Heavy weight lifting
  • Obesity

Answer: Varicocele is fairly common. About 15 percent of all men have varicoceles.Among infertile couples, 35 percent of men have varicoceles. The highest occurrence of varicoceles is in men aged 15–35 years.


  • If not treated in time, it may cause extreme pain. The change in the local temperature reduces affects production of sperms and testosterone from testis. This can cause infertility in males with inability to produce children.

Answer: Dietary intake doesn’t have a significant impact. But obesity is one of the causes of varicocele which might lead to the risk of varicocele incidence.

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