Conquer the Stroke

Treat the stroke with prompt action. Remember ‘TIME IS BRAIN’

Stroke is a medical condition associated with brain cell damage. When there is a lack of blood supply and nutrient supply, the brain cells start to die quickly and irreversibly. This results in loss of function of the affected part of the brain and corresponding body part.


There are two main causes of stroke – ischemic stroke (blocked blood vessel) and hemorrhagic stroke (bursting of the blood vessel). Ischemic stroke happens due to deposition of fatty plaques in the blood vessel or a clot in circulation getting logded in the blood vessel (generally travelling from the heart). Hemorrhagic stroke occurs due to bursting of the blood vessel due to high blood pressure, balloon like bulges of blood vessel (aneurysm), arteriovenous malformation and few other causes. Stroke is treatable and preventable. Prompt treatment of stroke saves lives and reduces disability.

Symptoms of Stroke

  • Sudden weakness, numbness and heaviness in the face or limbs on one side.
  • Deviation of mouth to one side.
  • Confusion, difficulty in speaking and understanding.
  • A problem in vision in one eye or both eyes.
  • Vomiting and giddiness
  • Difficulty in walking accompanied by coordination problems and loss of balance.
It is important to recognize these symptoms of stroke and reach a stroke treatment center immediately without wasting time. Depending on the clinical scenario and imaging findings, doctor may decide to treat by intravascular clot bursting medications and/or neurovascular interventional procedures.

The Best Neurovascular Intervention Options To Regain Mobility and Independence

Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability in India. When stroke strikes, approximately 1.9 million brain cells die every minute. Fortunately we have treatment options to prevent this damage if the patient comes early (preferably within 3 to 6 hours from symptom onset) to a stroke ready hospital. Remember TIME IS BRAIN.

Mechanical Thrombectomy

A trained interventional radiologist performs this procedure in which a small catheter is inserted in the arm or groin of the patient through a tiny pinhole and moved towards the blood clot in the blood vessel of the brain under X-ray guidance in a specialized cath lab suite. The blood clot is can be removed by mainly two techniques 1. Aspiration – a suction pump is attached to the catheter and the clot is sucked out, 2. Stent retriever- a stent is used to embed within the clot and the stent is then pulled off along with the clot. Sometimes combination of both the techniques can be used. This procedure can be performed best when patient comes within 6 hours of stroke onset. Some patients may be treated upto 24 hrs from symptom onset. However, it is very important to keep in mind that the results of this procedure are the best when it is performed as early as possible after the stroke onset. Hence one should not waste time in reaching a hospital when stroke happens.

Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment

An aneurysm is a thin walled bulge in the blood vessel of the brain. It’s like a balloon which is under pressure and ruptures at a point of time causing a special type of hemorrhagic stroke called as subarachnoid hemorrhage. Such patients present with severe headache, giddiness, loss of consciousness and stroke symptoms. These patients are generally advised to undergo neurosurgical clipping which is an open skull surgery and the abnroma part of the blood vessel is clipped using special instruments. However, advances in neurovascular interventional radiology allow to treat these aneurysms by minimally invasive endovascular methods like aneurysm coiling, flow diverter stent placement or using flow disrupting devices like web and contour. The results of these techniques are far superior and cause reduced morbidity and mortality.

Carotid Artery Stenosis

Carotid arteries are the blood vessels in the neck supplying blood to the front part of brain, one on each side. The deposition of fats and plaques in these blood vessels blocks and restricts the blood supply to the brain. An increase in the deposition of such plaque leads to an increased probability of stroke. Patients generally present with multiple episodes of transient ischemic attack (TIA). TIA is a phenomenon where stroke symptoms last only for few minutes and patient returns back to normal. It is to be noted these patients are also at high risk of getting a major permanent stroke if not treated properly. Carotid artery stenting is a procedure to treat the blockages in the carotid artery. A balloon catheter is inserted through a tiny pinhole and block is opened following which a special stent is placed to keep the artery open allowing unhindered blood flow to the brain.

Perks of NeuroVascular Interventions Over Other Treatment Options

  • Minimally invasive techniques.
  • Reduced procedure time
  • Provides immediate blood supply and limits damage to brain.
  • No risk of excessive bleeding
  • No/minimal injury to normal organs
  • Faster recovery
  • No scars / stitches
  • Improved quality of life post-procedure

Read What Our Patients Say

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers


  • High blood pressure.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • High cholesterol
  • Heart disease


  • Blood infection.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Congenital / Hereditary

Answer: If not treated in time stroke may lead to long term disability due to permanent paralysis. This affects quality of life significantly. If stroke is major, it can cause death of the patient.

Answer: Reduced intake of animal flesh and fried food items and high intake of vegetables, beneficial oils, whole grains, fruits, and legumes can help in preventing stroke.

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